AVSA, 61000, Alençon, Orne, voitures anciennes, voitures de collection, AUBRY J-B, AVSA61000, club de voitures
Accueil in english, welcome !
The AVSA is a car club for enthusiasts of old / collection cars, aimed to preserve the automotive heritage, to present cars to the public, organize tourist trips, walks rallies ...

The club also has some "youngtimer" (years 70/80) and some  most recent cars with sporty character ..
To join / register with the AVSA 

Please send your registration form  (link below - "bulletin d'adhésion") to the address indicated and a cheque of 20 € (twenty euros)  payable to the AVSA.Your membership card will be then be issued ...

Prospective members, do not hesitate to contact us ...
We hope that the  program is acceptable to everyone and that many of you will follow us on the beautiful roads of our region. Above all, let us have your comments, suggestions.

The word of the site manager.
I invite you to visit without moderation the site to tell us or communicate any relevant informations for the club, article net, etc..., related to the automotive world, relive all those good times ...
I recall that the site manager is there to manage and administer the site, its content is everybody's business; is the online community that makes it live.
However, members who do not use the computer tool can participate in the site's offering me their documents (I can scan photos, enter written documents, ...). Do not hesitate to contact me,
Private life.
If people recognize themselves in some photos of the site and do not wish to be included, thank you to inform by email the site manager ...
The essential elements of the club.
You can look in the section Member Access - (password to access) or have communication:
    - The base members,
    - Financial Balance Sheets,
    - The  summary of the General Meetings,
    - The  summary of the last meeting ...
For them, please send your request to the site manager ...

For information, comments, suggestions, ..., send an email to the "site manager", JB, by clicking the following link!

Copyright (C) 2007-2008. Tous droits réservés.
Ce site est à usage privé, réservé aux adhérents de l'AVSA